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Hi everyone!  This is the start of what will hopefully be a weekly blog post every Sunday night.   It has been a really heavy thought of mine for a little while now to make a podcast and call it "Coffee and Lipgloss" where we would just chat weekly and answer some questions, talk about new ideas, etc.  


If you could imagine, someone getting their company off the ground while attending school full time, and growing up all at the same time, has a lot of thoughts!

However with all of that, not a lot of time to edit & post podcasts - yet.  So for now, welcome to the BLOG!   Weekly I will just chit chat about what's been going on, some new idea for glosses, some questions I'm torn with, maybe some funny stories from the week, and perhaps some non-business related chats as well.  I'll try not to bore you!

I thank you all tremendously for joining me along for this journey and growing up with me and Gia Taylor Cosmetics💗

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