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Sun, May 5 2024

Coffee of the day: Wawa, iced coffee with salted caramel and almond milk (I've solidified it,  caramel > salted caramel lol) 

First, WHEW am I late to this posting, I knowww!!  But, this weekend was overall good!  It was our biggest show of the year on Saturday, and it ended up raining:( Because of this, so many vendors left early and we didn't do as well as we always do, but we toughed it out!  And then on Sunday we had another vendor show, but because all of our displays were soaked from Saturday, we had to forfeit our spot:( However, Sunday was so sooo fun!   Because we weren't at the festival, we were able to go live from the gloffice and make gloss as normal!  And Quinn reminded me that Sunday was Cinco De Mayo, so we brought back our Cinco De Mango gloss!  (I LOVE mango!)

Also, in the middle of this busy week, we LAUNCHED SMILEY SKIN!!!  And I was literally brought to tears that TWO of our lotions sold out on launch day!  I absolutely could not have imagined something like this, and appreciate every ounce of support from everybody.  As you know, everything from this business gets put right back into it, and we are going to continue to expand in so many lovely ways.  I already worked with my manufacturer to begin offering refill containers, to offer interchangeable cases, and MINI KITS!!  (Minis are already on their way!  Theyre launching early June!!). I am so so excited, and extremely excited for fall as well to begin making butters and scrubs!  

This past week was my last of my junior year in college, I finished my last two finals.  Whoohoo!

Anddddd, the reason why this post is so late is because we are going away!!  I am actually writing this blog post in the airport LOL.  I am going on a family trip today until May 23, and Quinn is fully in charge of the gloffice!!  We have been beyond busy of course packing my personal bags, but making sure the gloffice is able to run smoothly for him, and everything is stocked appropriately.  He is so good, I know he'll be just fine!

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