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Sun, April 28 2024

Coffee of the day: I DIDN'T HAVE ANY!! >:(   I woke up at 4am this morning for the show today, after going to bed at 1am.. And was hoping to treat my mom and I to Starbucks (open at 5am lol) and they WERE CLOSEDdddd for good! :( 

Today was so amazing, it was our first show of the season!!   We were at an Earth Day festival that we attend every year, and it is one of my favorite crowds<3 Such a great way to start off the season!  Everyone here is always so happy and kind, and I have a ton of repeat customers who are local and I get to see them here! 

Because this is one of only 4 shows the entire year that fall on a Sunday, we did go live AT the festival!  Because I wanted to give my attention to the customers at our booth, I didn't get to interact with the Live as much as I would like to, but I was so glad to also see so many familiar names on Live with us!

What a great way to start show season! :)

This week in school was our last week, so I finished all of my classes classes!  Now I only have two more finals to go, one toro (gotta study still!!) and one on Wed.  Wish me luck! 

I again will to be in the gloffice so so much this week!   Next weekend we have TWO of our biggest vendor shows back to back!!   And again, 4 days after, I LEAVE FOR TWO WEEKS!  May 9th. 


ALSO, SMILEY SKIN LOTIONS ARE LAUNCHING IN UNDER A WEEK!!! THIS WED AT 2PM EST!!! Ahh!!!  Right now we have 4/6 done, and are finishing the last two kinds tmro!  And the photoshoot is Tues, Im so excited!!

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